Tuesday 11 March 2008

French Connection

It isn't over. For everyone else it is but obviously not for me.

I get missed calls from T when in Manhattan which he refuses to explain once he is sober...Go figure!
Then, like a scene from a bad movie, J has moved there. Nowhere is safe I tell you!I just want to know one thing ... if he had known I was coming would it have made a difference? and more importantly would I have wanted it too now?

I already know the answer ... it would have made no difference to him. Even less so than last year so at least I found out after I got home instead of when I was there ... minimises possible drama and trauma.

I heart NY!

In other news... I'm back at aforementioned job. Yes, you know the one that inspired me to post all those things before and which is probably the reason why I'm back posting again? Nicotine stained walls are hardly the things of inspiration but at least they provide a motivating boredom!

Somewhere, far off! Too late! never, perchance!
For I do not know where you flee, nor you where I am going,
O you whom I would have loved, O you who knew it!