Monday 28 January 2008

Hungry and Irritated

You know what! Forget their admirable work. It really isn’t THAT admirable

Screw them and their treggings!! Some of them really are intent on patronising me everytime they get bored on their tea break. Who takes 10 minutes to explain in loud, you are much more stupid than me tones that the big block of polystyrene that fell of a biro pen must be kept on the pen at all times .. the PA thats who (see previous post regarding early 90s wardrobe revivals) It is my job to ensure that the polystyrene always remains firmly on the pen in case it goes walkies from the guest book. The polystyrene cube on top of a biro was the brainchild of the PA. Not that I don’t have 500 more biros behind the desk. People get really bitchy in offices when it comes to stationary.

It has been one of those annoying days - I have misplaced my cash card and ‘my ring’ has broken! I don’t know how I have had it for 5 years and I never take it off… it has sentimental value more than anything and I looked down to notice it still stays safe on my hand but there is a big crack in the back. It separated clean in two!

I also had a really morbid dream the other night that I went into labour even though I hadn’t realised I was or looked pregnant! I had to go to a little medical room in a hotel and then my baby was born stillborn! I called it Charlie and I willed his little blue body to breathe …. No idea what that says about my sub conscious.

Oh and it’s only my first (well second) day here. I guess being back to temping after my break is my thud back to reality. Every time that phone rings I grit my teeth… and since writing that it has rang 100000 times more. I’m feeding my frustration with Subway, the king of sandwiches! Not really, this is my second subway ever. I don’t understand the concept but I shall affectionately refer to my sandwich as the suicide sub. Once named by a subway employee who refused to charge me full price as apparently jalapenos, black pepper, sweet chilli sauce and chicken is a lethal combination and the equivalent of suicide. Go figure.

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